Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Self Esteem Of Adolescents Who Suffer From A Hearing Loss

Introduction Adolescence is a period in which vast social, emotional, physiological and cognitive changes occur, thus proving to be a difficult time for adolescents (Sahli, 2006). It is in this stage of transition that adolescents also become obsessively conscious of their image, peers and development of their identity (Price, 2009). These domains ultimately influence psychosocial aspects such as self-esteem (Landy, 2009). It would then perhaps be an understatement to say at the least, that this transitional period would prove to be a far more daunting and sizeable challenge for an adolescent simultaneously suffering from a hearing impairment (Leigh, 2009). Hence in this assignment I would like to research and investigate the self-esteem of such adolescents who suffer from a hearing loss, the possible implications this poses on their psychosocial development and the analytical reasoning behind its causes. Self-esteem Self-esteem is a general appraisal of oneself in association to intrinsic positivity or negativity (Lamovec, 1994). It is a subjective evaluation of how an individual assesses their self-worth and value in context to various external factors (Rosenberg, 1965). This basic assessment of oneself has a formidable effect on human behaviour, emotion, cognition and motivation, the dynamics of which extend to multiple precincts of development, including academic achievements, careers, friendships, success and relationships (Turner, 2007). Research even suggests thatShow MoreRelatedSpeech Delay in Children Essay1262 Words   |  6 PagesSpeech and language delays can be problematic for preschoolers, school aged children and adolescents. These delays range in degree of severity and have many causes; physical and developmentally. Communication plays a specific and important role to all people, especially, preschool children who are developing speech and language skills at fast rate. 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